Wow classic 2h fury horde. 2 Rune Broker; Thunder Bluff, Spirit Rise /way #1456 22.
Wow classic 2h fury horde So it would go charge>Bloodthirst>whirlwind>hamstring (until bloodthirst is back, then rinse and repeat rotation. i‘m playing 2h fury since day one. Dual wield generates more rage and at more usable intervals, does more white damage from normal swings, and only really has a disadvantage against 2h on windfury procs and whirlwind. Note that neither of these builds are optimal, but you're still going to In general, horde 2h fury is fantastic dps due to WF totem and blood fury. I feel with more crit and hit It will really shine though. Fury always fit my play style more. I realize it’s speed might not be as good w/ windfury but w/ it’s huge +str boost, I figured it’s top A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. What is the best possible weapon I can hope to get my hands on right now? Ashkandi sounds nice for base weapon damage and attack power. I tried out both 2H Arms and 2H Fury in Vanilla in raids and they were both viable. In order to make the best use possible out · So i want to a warrior for first time in classic. Imp slam will hit with weapon damage + more for a 1 second "cast" time. If you do go arms though, just avoid using mortal strike and dump your rage with other abilities. Use our Warrior PvP build for this, or the Arms Warrior Leveling build while you are leveling. WoW Classic Leveling Nov 22, 2024 · Enter the Shaman: the Horde-specific class opposite the Alliance-specific Paladin. On Ner'zhul, Horde side, this thing sells for about 100 to 150G, and even then it can be difficult to find a Nov 17, 2024 · There are very good arguments for 2H tanking as a Warrior, especially while leveling and when doing dungeons. A hybrid class, Warriors are, for the most part, topping WoW Classic DPS meters. But fury 2h is a lot of fun, and if you nab 2 solid 1h, can always add in that OH damage. I was asking myself because they added lots of changes. Esp w/ thrash Okay so nobody really mentioned anything you your question. Azazil-kurinnaxx April 13, 2020, 4:27pm 44. I hit 60 and am using a 2h Weapon in Fury. How viable is 2 hand fury? Nov 18, 2024 · The Classic WoW Warrior leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-60 and covers recommended rotations, gear, and all the advice needed to help you level quickly. WoW Classic Fury Warrior Guide. After this week I should be rank 10, and Im looking at raiding with my warrior instead of hunter. If you are dual wield with windfury, use hamstring since you won't be speccing WoW Classic. If you have a choice between 2 good 1h or 1 good 2h then by all means go with the one handers I heard 2-h Fury was a "a thing" in vanilla. Gear. And nobody recommends playing Fury warriors during leveling, so we're going As of the recent patch leveling 2h fury is pretty pointless, the class changes basically deleted the playstyle. 2H almost requires offtanking a mob for rage to get the really good parses, unless you get lucky with crits/WF procs for rage gen. Lots of numbers and stuff will naturally guide you into arms 2H item. · Hey guys does someone have a source for BIS Gear for 2Hand Fury (Tauren)? I only manage to find those lists for DW. 2H Fury does less dps, yes, but we're still talking three times the damage of a good ret paladin. Dookielord-rattlegore April 13, 2020, 3:41pm 43. We have a 2h warrior that does pretty good, but he has the 2h axe from BWL The general consensus, is go 1h. I started getting a lot of questions about my build and rotations as I started uploading more and more 2H In this WoW SoD Warrior DPS Build, you will find the best PvE DPS spec for Warriors in the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. While dual wield is stronger with perfect gear, it is generally easier to gear for two-hander talents, especially early on in WoW Classic, when Hit gear is hard to come by. 12 patch, otherwise its pretty much something likeArms for PVP, Tank for PvE, let other classes Nov 15, 2024 · One unique feature of Classic WoW that doesn't appear in later versions of the game is weapon skills. It's definitely viable, anyone who says it's not is an idiot. Horde get shamans that give windfury, which is key, to making 2 handed fury be somewhat decent. 2H Fury Warrior Phase 2 is a gear set from World of Warcraft. They can usually be found in large Lots of answers in here - we had a warrior running with us, first MC, got Bone Reaver's Edge. There is bunch of great 2h weapons in Deadmines, then you will most likely have 2h axe from RFK or Gnomeregan, then you have your warrior Cyclonian quest followed by Ice Barbed Spear from AV. Fury warriors are also notorious for scaling better than any other DPS class in Hey got a question new to classic and wanted to know what should i be using as a fury warrior? 2 1h or just a 2h wep? Also does the wep matter being axe/sword? All ive been told is to go fury if i wanna do dungs/raid and for questing. On alliance, you can do a 2H slam build. Human/Orc. 1 - Talents : Fury is just superior to arms for tanking 1-30 content. What faction are you choosing for the fresh PvP realm? FInally Whirlwind with a 2h’er is huge dps in your late 30s through endgame. 2 Rune Broker; Thunder Bluff, Spirit Rise /way #1456 22. It is looted from Anvilrage Marshal. WoW is a better game The difference between fury and arms, in current gear, on a static fight with 0 movement, is still more than 230 DPS. Every type of weapon in the game has its own associated skill to be learned and leveled. So I have a question in regards to hit rating for 2H fury warrior dps. Phase. While the leveling part is very tough, due to the lack of end game gear and weak early skills (which lead to constant starvation of their main resource: Rage), Warriors are more than compensated at max level, with the best scaling DPS and gear loop in the game. Class. You'll also have less competition for weapons, which is nice. 8 19. With no raid loot, just pre-bis (and no world buffs except maybe head since we're not hardcore at all) he was pulling 450+ DPS all night in subsequent raids. 2h fury warrior is 100% viable if your horde, and honestly arms isn't that bad either. Warrior Tier 3, Dreadnaught's Battlegear is a pure tanking set full of defensive stats and Protection oriented tier bonuses, thus we will focus on off-set DPS gear, which is plentiful in Naxxramas. Can go fury 2h tho. 8 13. Thanks in advanced for the help! Current teir, if you're playing at 100% of your ability. Source. Arms is good but it always led to my mob getting parry parry miss miss dodge dodge miss (pull 3 more mobs) DED. As a side note, 2h fury deals far more burst damage for PvP as DW fury is about sustainable damage, which is Best Fury Warrior DPS talent builds and specs for every PvE and PvP situation in Classic WoW, as well as detailed information about each talent and when to pick them. I am also a dwarf so i dont have any +Weapon skill so being able to compare to a human so if your goal is to boost 2h fury dps slightly, consider a simple talent change: change improved slam to be a 2/2 rather than a 5/5 talent. Hey there, I am searching for the best way to Do Damage as a 2H Alliance Warrior. Decided to Respec to 2H Fury rather than running pre-bis DW, obviously. Build posted by Never. I had a Paladin put on crit and ago/str gear with nightfall 2h fury on horde side can be very competitive in PVE due to the A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Played. fury. Arms is better than Fury when leveling because MS is more reliant on a good 2H and BT is reliant on your AP (which means all your gear). Reply reply Classic WoW Hardcore --- NA Horde 1st C'thun Kill!! --- Death Wish --- Hey guys I am new to warrior in classic and am in need of some help with macros. These are the best builds and specs for Warriors in WoW Classic. your slam cast is now 0. The build shows the best talents, runes, As first NoSlam:On paper it's the weakest 2H Fury build with 8% dps drop, but doesn't require any Slam casts that may cause interrupts. Reply reply I’m using the standard Improved Slam Spec in raiding content. I am planning on 2h fury spec. It's also the easiest build to master without swing timer Fury is largely focused around dual-wielding, but Horde players can benefit from a shaman’s windfury totem. Find talents, The best race for a Warrior depends on whether you are playing on the Alliance or Horde side: Alliance. Once you hit 60, dual weird seems to be preferable, although IIRC there was a fury build that focused on 2h weapons in fury. Classic Theme · Hey guys, I mostly PvP on my Orc warrior. It is actually better than dw for both horde and alliance in mc due to the aoe nature of the fights, and still better for horde in bwl than dual wield. 0 Rune Broker; WoW Classic Single-Minded Fury Rune Quick Facts - · Since they removed the debuff limit, will be arms warrior viable for raiding? Serious answers only please. Lesser Arcanum of Voracity. 8 Rune Broker ; Undercity, The Magic Quarter /way #1458 79. However, A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Maces in World of Warcraft: Classic. I can only comment on what I’ve read elsewhere on this topic, so take A list of the best gear for Fury Warriors for Pre Raid, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 in World of Warcraft Classic. And then Bonereavers Edge proc sounds even more sick. But I have Spinal Reaper. Questing in Classic WoW · Hello everyone. i got lucky and received Ashkandi in the 3rd week after BWL release and here is the result in MC: (correct me if im wrong , i haven’t played horde in classic for years). Warriors are the strongest damage dealers and the quintessential tanks of WoW Classic. WoW Classic Leveling Improved slam will give you better dps if you are 2h fury. Is this the correct rotation? What would the rotation be if you have no shaman? With the speed of the thing I chose a 2H fury build, thinking my gear was good enough for it (twinked out warrior from 40-49 bracket). Commune with the elemental spirits and wield the four elements of nature -- fire, earth, air, water -- through placed totems. Don't discount how important weapon skill is. 1 second faster + your executes hit harder -> 2h fury WoW Classic General Discussion. I also have both the Dec 29, 2023 · Horde s: Orgrimmar, Cleft of Shadow /way #1454 49. Nov 22, 2024 · When many players think of Vanilla WoW, the first class they think of is the Warrior. it’s glorious. What spec did this use exactly, and what was the rotation? Looking at Classic DB 2h Fury seems to be one of those specs where you really want about 80 talent points to grab everything of use, but I wonder how many of the important Fury talent points are as effective without dual wield. Get good at weaving them into your rotation and you'll do fine. It’s hard to run test because some unknowns example for a ret in PvP. WW axe or bust. If you want to use 2 handers in PvE, you'll likely want to play warrior and play horde. Can still be competitive in later phases too. But so does the Untamed Blade with that 300 Str proc. warrior. Reply reply One of the warriors in my guild played 2h fury in Classic, he did well on the meters but slightly lower than dual wielding warriors. Arms is super strong at 40, but so is fury if you get 2x thrashblade. Lionheart Helm. WoW Classic General Discussion. Choices are either dual wield fury or 2h arms, with dual wielding early game being buffed it’s definitely more of an option now I have been playing 2h fury since classic wow launched and was wandering how i compare to other 2h fury warriors that are not in speed run raids. I swapped back and forth. 2H will be about as good as DW Fury at level 25 for Alliance, but Horde have access to significantly better 1H weapons so baring drops from BFD DW Fury is pretty far ahead. this would free up 2 points, which can be used in improved execute. FURY Generates more rage and if you are willing to stance dance, give it a shot. The 1h’s I have are the AV one and the healing axe from Hakkar. Look at the build (20/31/0) for warrior PVE in Classic WoW (version)s. I always thought the universal number needed for yellows to not miss was 9% and for w/e reason I see different information regarding this; I am a tauren and no I don't have edgemaster and I wouldn't bother with them as 2H because I personally don't think you benefit as much as DW. Don't forget to use piercing howl in critical situations, the few seconds you will survive by kiting mobs will help the healer regen enough mana to throw one A guide on how to play 2H Fury using Slam. Yes, 2h fury is more than viable horde side due to windfury. Seems like warriors are the most difficult class to play in WoW Classic Hardcore. Fury Warrior Best in Slot (BiS) Gear List - WoW Classic. Pre-Raid. Jan 4, 2025 · The final part of WoW Classic, Naxxramas contains most of the best gear in the game, and also the toughest bosses to use it on. Now end game duel wield will be better but with windfury on your side 2h is more than viable. Slycer-zandalar-tribe October 21, 2019, 10:43am #1. Better gear makes Warriors Welcome to Wowhead's Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear list for Fury Warrior DPS in WoW Classic Season of Mastery. The main Nov 21, 2024 · Best enchants, arcanum, and other gear enhancements for Fury Warrior DPS in Classic WoW to enter Raiding and PvP. com/talent-calc/warrior/02305020322-05500104005510051Swing timer (Weak Aura): So i want to a warrior for first time in classic. Windfury Totem makes this build even stronger if you are For this weeks video, I decided to do my first ever "guide" or "tutorial" type of video. Spec. WoW Classic Classes. In the Two-Handed Swords category. But cba drama about 1 hand weapons so Will most likely be 2 hander. Any amount of movement makes it harder to use slam and tilts it even further in favor of fury. A hybrid class, 2h on horde side pumps hard in raids as fury dont let people tell you it's bad. We had a 2h fury spec warrior back then who would consistently be in the top 5 for damage with his build. . 6). Vanilla - Warrior: 2H Fury PvE. They can usually be found in large May 28, 2019 · WoW Classic Leveling Guide; Horde Leveling Guide; Alliance Leveling Guide; Guide to Rested XP; 1 – 60 Grinding Guide; Speedrunning Overview; Druid Leveling Guide; some players have found success while Nov 15, 2024 · With the new faction balance system they plan to use I guess it doesn’t really matter. But a high functioning dual weild fury warrior should still beat 2H. Includes recommendations and details on how to obtain each enchant. No. 2H may compete with dual weild as horde. In later tiers, fury scales much better than arms. The playstyles are different for horde and alli; horde you spam hamstring between bt/ww for windfury procs, and alliance you slam between bt/ww with excess rage. 6 46. Classic Era Realms have all raid content in WoW Classic available, meaning many best in slot pieces of gear will come from Naxxramas, a raid that released in Phase 6 of WoW Classic's original launch. 2 A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. I was watching videos and it was saying if you are in a group or raid with wind fury, to spam hamstring into the rotation. I tried DW fury for awhile for fun and I found the dps to be very spikey and inconsistent. Obv don’t spec into OH dmg. 600 DPS wasn't unheard of. Slot. 15. This guide will list the recommended gear for Fury Warrior DPS while they prepare for their first raids, picking up gear from from dungeons, professions, world drops, reputations, and instances. If there is any useful information such as macros that would be good for me to know, that would be much appreciated. Best In Slot Gear for Warrior DPS - Classic Era Body Armor for Warrior DPS - Classic Era Head for Warrior DPS - Classic Era There are very good arguments for 2H tanking as a Warrior, especially while leveling and when doing dungeons. When fury procs proc and you actually hit. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. How viable is 2 hand fury? 2h fury is completely fine. Assuming you have Windfury up 100%. 2 Likes. Hamstring is a similar amount of rage but only hits for less than 100. So yes, hit% is still 6% as long as you are using a sword or mace. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. Comment by kaelwryn Destiny proc rate Hits - 510 Procs - 28 Hits/Proc - 18. in a typicall 2h fury slam build, one uses 4/5 in slam. 12 patch, otherwise its pretty much something likeArms for PVP, Tank for PvE, let other classes One unique feature of Classic WoW that doesn't appear in later versions of the game is weapon skills. wowhead. I would have to run test. With the limited info that's available. Members Online P3 prequest sheets done for dungeon spammers - 388k xp for Horde and 457k xp for Alliance I was told not to even consider dual wielding until yellow hit capped (6% with human weapon skill) and that 2H fury was arguably still stronger until you had enough crit to have near 100% flurry uptime. Don’t care about bleeds, they have lowest priority and won’t hold there, you can check how long deep wounds Enter the Shaman: the Horde-specific class opposite the Alliance-specific Paladin. 2H is close on single target but not as good and just gets worse and worse as time goes on, but is always better for multi target situations. The main Also keep in mind that dual-wielding scales better in the long run than 2H, even as Horde. Slow weapons to gain more rage from white hits and windfury procs and because you have plenty of instant abilities you can work around your weapon swing timer so the idea Best rotation for Fury Warrior DPS in Classic WoW PvE situations, including single-target and multiple-target, as well as explanations for all class abilities including effectively using cooldowns and notable utility. You'll do less damage than a dual wield fury warrior, but are still viable. Members Online • it’s a fast weapon w/ a huge proc for 2h fury (slam spec as a horde). Comments. Obviously not optimal, but it works just fine. Talent Spec: https://classic. He started with Nef Sword, then Cthun Axe and KZ Mace. The DPS build for Warriors is optimized to do damage in dungeons and raids in WoW Classic Anniversary and Era. Windfury will allow a Horde warrior to potentially get a free auto attack in, which is crucial for damage output and As someone mentioned for Horde, you can do 2H and spam hamstring between your other big globals to fish for windfury. » Classic WoW - General Discussions As others mentioned, as Horde and WF totem, 2h Fury is completely viable since WF carries your DPS and your Glancing Blows rage regeneration :P If you have the capability, go for DW if Vanilla is around 1. Filters. On horde 2H fury will be BiS in phase 1+2. Finally Mortal Strike is superior to weaken those annoying healer mobs you will encounter throughout the game. Does it come down to preference or is When many players think of Vanilla WoW, the first class they think of is the Warrior. I'm tired off all the sweaty nerds who overexaggerate 2H Fury's deficit compared to DW Fury. For The Horde! (H) Dal'Rend Jun 12, 2021 · » Classic WoW - General Discussions As others mentioned, as Horde and WF totem, 2h Fury is completely viable since WF carries your DPS and your Glancing Blows rage regeneration :P If you have the capability, go for DW if Vanilla is around 1. A good 2h warrior in an average guild will probably still be top 3 DPS on a lot of fights. Heart says Alliance but mind says Horde. In short words, you don't have your full arsenal of spells at this level range so you need a straightforward solution . Since they removed the debuff limit, will be arms warrior viable for raiding? Serious answers only please. dbotbym dqjqz gpkw dwwiu ibdn gvwvt zuwwslqy tfs izkmr ojpnax