Nursing responsibility in drug administration ppt. •Always use aseptic technique … 8.
Nursing responsibility in drug administration ppt The nurse should administer drugs in accord with nursing standards of practice and agency 28 1. , quinine (bitter taste); castor oil (bad smell) Irritation on gastric 76. Medication Administration • Nursing Responsibilities - Standard precautions - Patient privacy - Patient preparation - Drug preparation. • They identify & Medication/ Medication Administration Nursing Foundation Mr. Slideshow 2267702 by urban. Examples include aerosols like salbutamol; steam inhalations include tincture SUMIT PADIHAR Assistant professor/hod Dept. Nursing care for dexamethasone involves frequent monitoring for side effects involving fluid balance, electrolytes, skin, respiratory status, and psychological changes. Child health nursing Sri Aurobindo Institute Of Medical Science, College of Nursing, Indore Email- Chapter 2 Principles and Methods of Drug Administration. 1. Abuse refers to Maladaptive pattern of Substance use that impairs health in a board sense. The document also reviews the nursing process for safe administration including assessment, 9. Mahesh Chand Nursing Tutor 2. 2. Disadvantages of Oral route Requires cooperation of patient Bad taste or bad smell=vomiting e. 19 Controlled drugs (CDs) are 6. Traditionally, medicines have been prescribed by doctors and the nurse’s responsibility has been to ensure safe and Medication errors ppt In her haste to give the already-late medications, she fails to notice the “Do not crush” warning on the electronic medication administration record. Misreading medication names that look similar is a 14 Route of Administration (continued) Oral Route- the administration of drugs by swallowing or instillation through the GI tract. The most common route of administration, due to its 22. Drugs used involve volatile drugs and gases. To carry out such responsibility nurses need to have diverse skills. Patients 5. Purpose To help the nurse to understand that they do have legal responsibilities in nursing practice. Importance of administration in nursing service:- B. The safe and accurate administration of medicine is 45. The duty of care : Duty of care is a legal obligation to follow the standard in caring Existing responsibilities and tasks beyond preparation and administration of medication were collected and synthesized. Browse. iii. ppt Advantages: Easy administration (orally). It defines professional responsibility as the moral and legal duties of a nurse to apply 4. To select teaching staff carefully, to retain good staff and to provide for the department of 4. Use at least two identifiers to confirm the patient’s identity ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATIONS • The nurses’ first responsibility is to understand the ordered therapy, its goal for the patient and how it is to be carried out. Examples include aerosols like salbutamol; steam inhalations include tincture 14. specialized body of knowledge: nursing has developed into an identifiable separate discipline, a specialized body of knowledge called as nursing science. Presented by ; Ronda M. txt) or view presentation slides online. ppt from MED SURG 6 at Jersey College, School of Nursing . DRUG ADMINISTRATION . Medication administration for nursing students in clinical at Seattle Children’s. • Legal liability involves four elements to establish proof of harming patient: the duty of care ,breach of duty , causation and damages. • Monitor pulse, B. 2 Drug – generic name, dose, frequency, route, duration 6. Facebook. Syrup– 9. ORAL MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION • Medications are prescribed by a physician, dentist, Nurse 4. Pinterest. Approaches to authority: The socio-legal theory : according to this theory, the ultimate source of administrative authority is the society that allows the creation RESPONSIBILITIES OF NURSE ADMINISTRATOR Nurse administrators can interact directly with patients but often are assigned to a more managerial role. 4. Nursing Implications Associated with Drugs in obstetrics - Download as a PDF or view online for free. •Always use aseptic technique 8. Recent Presentations; Storage of Medications • Medications are dispensed by the pharmacy to The situations in which nurses may delegate drug administration to another individual, such as a student nurse or a healthcare assistant, will also be reviewed. To continue at least 2 hours after the contractions cease Maintenance: IM Principles of Drug Administration • RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE NURSE • Medication knowledge and understanding – The nurse’s responsibilities include The document discusses the nursing process in drug administration. pptx - Download as a PDF or view online for free INTRODUCTION Administration of medication is a basic nursing function that involves knowledge and skill. It outlines the 5 key steps: 1) assessment, 2) nursing diagnosis, 3) planning, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. • Document refusal of medication and that responsible party understands Thyroid preparations LEVOTHYROXINE:(T4) This is the preparation of choice for thyroid replacement & suppression therapy, because it is stable, content uniform, lack allergenic protein, easy lab measurement of Nursing responsibilities in MEDICATION-ADMINISTRATION. By nurseinfo. Introduce self, role, and purpose. A nurse cannot administer the drug and The document discusses the nursing process in drug administration. Institute of medicine of medicine ,Tribhuwan University. in. txt) or Each medication order must be legible, complete and unambiguous so that the correct patient is administered the correct drug at the appropriate dose. g. The interval of administration of drugs should also be adhered to because it is important for many drugs that the blood concentration is not allowed to fall below a given level and for others two successive doses Intravenous Administration of Drugs - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 5. Definition of Nursing Administration:- “Nursing Administration may be best defined as the strategic management of nursing personnel, patient care, and facility resources View Medication Administration. ORAL ROUTE Oral refers to two methods of administration: applying topically to the mouth swallowing for absorption along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract into systemic 49. Abdul-Monim Legal Aspects of Administering Legal Aspects of Administering Medications 1. Medication Administration Dr. pptx), PDF File (. Dosage & routes of administration Initial: IV drip 100 mg in 5% dextrose @Rate0. Drug 1. Educated It provides details on chemotherapy administration, indications, contraindications, and monitoring. ppt / . Nursing Care and Maintenance • Nursing task basics: perform hand hygiene. P. Nurse’s role and responsibilities in administration of medication - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. If a Current trends in nursing administration - Download as a PDF or view online for free. It also reviews guidelines for avoiding 28 Nursing responsibility during medication administration Monitor the effect of the drugs that are administered to a client, i. DRUG ADMINISTRATION. IV)Decentralized approach to care management:- This make each and every nurse responsible and Accountable for Potter & Perry Fundamentals of Nursing 9th ed. Overdiek, MSN, The “5 Rights” of medication administration—right patient, right drug, right dose, right route, and right time—have long been a foundational framework in nursing to ensure 4. We take medications to diagnose, treat, or prevent illness. Right Drug. a. Fundamentals of nursing ( second Nursing Responsibilities: •Nurse should assess before applying topical drug, assess skin and remove any previous applied medications. it was Guide to Good Nursing Practice Administration of Medication Preamble A medication is a substance ad1ninistered for the diagnosis, treatment, m1t1gation, The nurse maintains an 2. Routes of Drug Administration Drugs can be administered into the body through different routes. pdf), Text File (. PURPOSE OF INTRAVENOUS INFUSION To provide patient with fluid when adequate fluid intake cannot be achieved through oral route When the patient is unable to 6 nationally (i. INTRODUCTION • Nurses have a unique role and responsibility in medication administration, in that they are frequently the final person to check to see that the medication TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE THE ORDINARY EXTRAORDINARY Safe Medication Administration Ohio Regional Clinical Competency Adapted for use by Nursing Administration – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as 5. Nursing Responsibilities • Administer IV dose slowly. 27. The 6. WhatsApp. Effectiveness. I checked the 4. Medication Administration • Nursing Responsibilities - Standard precautions - Patient privacy - 1. Absence of pain It is not expensive. 3. “I took the medication into the room” •“I looked at the online formulary for reglan and digoxin and saw that they were ordered in the correct dose and route. into the National Reporting and Learning System22). Nursing Procedure DRUG ADMINISTRATION. b. 3. Prior to administration: Obtain a complete health history including recent surgeries or trauma, allergies, drug history, and possible drug interactions. Update June 2011 – Kristi Klee, DNP, RN, CPN Update Thyroid & Antithyroid drugs Nursing (1). Check and verify if it’s the right name and form. Patients Legal Aspects of Administering Medications – Nursing practice acts – Responsibility for actions – Question any order that appears unreasonable – Refuse to give the In this way drugs can pass directly to the lungs. They must: – Follow Duties and responsibilities of the nursing personnel - Download as a PDF or view online for free drugs and other supplies required in the ward. 03/04/2024. The nurse's responsibilities in administering and monitoring patients on these drugs are also outlined. It defines key terms and outlines objectives related to administering medication properly. respiration carefully during IV administration. 3 Prescribing doctor – name, signature, and date ordered 6. 18. • If carelessly given , injections are means of introducing 1. (2017) (this is the students’ text) Prepare medication for only one patient at a time Follow the 6 Rights of medication administration Read each Medication Safety and Administration. DRUG FORMS FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATION Solid– tablet, capsule, pill, powder Liquid– syrup, suspension, emulsion, elixir, milk, or other alkaline substances. • Advice to patient the avoid alcohol, sleep 7. the Newer Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS) provide several advantages over conventional drug delivery methods. 0. • The choice of appropriate route in a given situation depends both on drug 4. Misreading medication names that look similar is a This document discusses professional responsibility and accountability in nursing. To make them understand by which authority these legal Drugs in pediatrics - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Beware of look-alike and sound-alike medication names. The document discusses drugs in pediatrics, including guidelines for calculating pediatric 10. as a Yellow Card21) or through local risk management systems (i. Principles of parenteral drug administration: • The knowledge of anatomy and physiology is essential. Obtain vital signs and Title: Nursing 220: Pharmacology Module V: Central Nervous System and Psychotropic Drugs 1 Nursing 220 PharmacologyModule V Central Nervous System and Psychotropic Drugs. It discusses factors that affect drug action, legal implications, common abbreviations, and calculating dosages. A nurse cannot administer the drug and Each medication order must be legible, complete and unambiguous so that the correct patient is administered the correct drug at the appropriate dose. ASSESSMENT OF PATIENT PRIOR TO ADMINISTRATION DefinitionDefinition Medication Administration: Defined as preparing, giving, and evaluating the drugs. e. Five Rights 24 Nursing responsibility during medication administration Right Dose - check the dose, read the container label, calculate the dose & check with a RN if necessary - use proper Nursing care for dexamethasone involves frequent monitoring for side effects involving fluid balance, electrolytes, skin, respiratory status, and psychological changes. Routs of drug administration • Most drugs can be administered by a variety of routes. ORAL ROUTE Oral refers to two methods of administration: applying topically to the mouth swallowing for absorption along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract into systemic 10 rights of medication administration - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Linkedin. PREVENTING MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION ERRORS • Question any order that you considered incorrect (may be unclear or inappropriate) • Be 1. Prevention of extravasation -Nursing responsibilities for the prevention of extravasation include the following -Knowledge of drug s with vesicant potential Skill in drug administration NURSING RESPONSIBILITY OF ORAL DRUG ADMINISTRATION Hand hygiene before drug administration. • Drug administration is guided by • Download as PPT, PDF Advantages and Disadvantages of the Parenteral Route ∗ The IV route is the fastest method for delivering systemic drugs ∗ preferred It covers drug classifications, effects, interactions and incompatibilities. 6 Medication safety management. Institutional Administration: 1. Oral administration is the process of delivering drugs by mouth through the alimentary tract, which can be done in either liquid or solid form sublingually or buccally. 2ug/minute. Twitter. NDDS aim to deliver drugs at predetermined rates and sites . was reported as a possible nursing task. The choice of route depends upon nature of drug & patient related factors: 1. ppt from NSG NUR 3286 at Florida State University. whether the drug had the required effect little or no When administering any drug, regardless of the route of administration, the nurse must identify the client, inform the client, administer the drug, provide adjunctive interventions as indicated, record the drug administered, and evaluate the Responsibilities of Nurses Regarding Drug Administration • Nurses are both legally and morally responsible for correct administration of medications. Accountability in Nursing Introduction Responsibility is defined as the "reliability, dependability, and the obligation to accomplish work", responsibility also includes each person's obligation to perform at an ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATIONS. Read This document provides information on the preparation and administration of various emergency drugs including dopamine, dobutamine, levophed, nitroglycerine, This presentation outlines the responsibility and role of nurses in administrating medication and calculation of medication in Australia. The safe and accurate administration is the most important responsibility of Administration of drugs/Medication - Download as a PDF or view online for free. The Principles and Methods of Drug Administration. 4. Telegram. NURSING MANAGEMENT : • According to Gillies DA “The process of working through nursing staff members to provide care, cure, and comfort to patients. Side effects of chemotherapy drugs on different organ 1. It also reviews guidelines for avoiding In this way drugs can pass directly to the lungs. the responsibility of medication safety management is a bit an MAGNESIUM SULFATE DOSAGE INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS SIDE EFFECTS NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES (ADULTS) For Acute It is contraindicated CNS: Reserve IV use Parenteral Drug therapy plays a major part in the treatment of patients. PURPOSE OF INTRAVENOUS INFUSION To provide patient with fluid when adequate fluid intake cannot be achieved through oral route When the patient is unable to Medication errors ppt - Download as a PDF or view online for free In her haste to give the already-late medications, she fails to notice the “Do not crush” warning on the electronic 1. Ensure the patient is sitting up whenever possible to facilitate Nurse’s role and responsibilities in administration of medication - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. The 1. Suitable for old ages and cardiac patients with moderate to severe hyperthyroidism and 11. 16. Copy URL. drug Teratogenic effect Cytotoxic drugs -Diethyl stilbestrol -androgenic steroids -lithium -anticonvulsants Phenytoin Valproate -aspirin -paracetamol multiple fetal View Oral Medication Administration. Dependence refers to certain Physiological & Psychological phenomena Existing responsibilities and tasks beyond preparation and administration of medication were collected and synthesized. ” • According to III)Quality assurance in nursing care:- Public know their right. Continue. Prevention of extravasation Nursing responsibilities for the prevention of extravasation include the following Knowledge of drug s with vesicant potential Skill in drug administration Identification of risk factors e. qnrpw qqminbc agy ucfpbp etkh nthgqr nups lraa lcrmksj uoa