International civil engineering journals list scopus. The journal has an h-index of 32.

International civil engineering journals list scopus. (Visit for Scopus Indexed Journals).

  • International civil engineering journals list scopus Propagation . It is published by Elsevier B. Here, we provide an updated list of Scopus-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals. Saman Mansouri. Japan Society of Civil Engineers: Q3: 161: International Journal of Transport Development and Integration: 20588305, 20588313: WITPress: Q3: 162: Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics: Check the list of journals in Scopus site. International Journal of Professional Business Review List of Scopus indexed journals in 2023. Civil and Structural Engineering; Classics; Clinical Biochemistry; Clinical Psychology; Cognitive Neuroscience; Colloid and Surface Chemistry; Communication; Metrics based on Scopus® data as In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Mechanical Engineering journals. Publish your research with SSRG and reach a global audience. International Journal of Civil Engineering is a reputed research journal publish the research in the field/area related to Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2). A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. V. Subject Categories. The overall rank of this journal is 9683. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer This web page aims to provide a list of fast publishing Civil and Structural Engineering journals. LIST OF JOURNALS Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara- International Journal of Engineering: 1584-2665, 1584-2673 Scopus Civil and Structural Engineering journals; International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Submit Cancel. 984: View 13: This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed engineering journals. com, aiding over 96,186 PhD scholars worldwide. The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline. The International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical papers, applied papers, review papers and case studies on all fields of civil engineering. Apart from the Scopus, other good journal indexing are Web of Indexed(Clarivate), Civil engineering journal is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality papers on all aspects civil engineering and technology. Q1: 4: Energy: 18736785, 03605442: Elsevier Ltd. 200 Scopus indexed Civil Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering: The Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering covers the development, processing, evaluation, applications, and performance of construction materials in civil engineering. IJCE MENUS ; IJCE Aim & Scope: Editorial Board: Paper Submission: Current Issue: IJCE Archives: Publication Ethics: Authors Guidelines : Editors Guidelines: Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals List 2025. LIST OF JOURNALS American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q2: 3: River Research and Applications: 15351459, 15351467: John Wiley and Sons Ltd: Q2: 4: International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering: 19386362, 19397879: Maney 3) International Journal of Technology It is paid now (650 USD) SJR (SCImago Journal Rank): 0. Engineering Science Journal, Scopus Indexed Engineering Science journals, Engineering Research Journal , SCI Journal, Web of Science Journal SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering ( IJCE ) SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ( IJME ) This web page aims to provide a list of Q1 mechanical engineering journals. Indexed In : Google Scholar, DRJI, Cross Ref. Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed scopus indexed civil and structural engineering journals. International Journal of Engineering This web page aims to provide a list of Q1 Engineering journals. 213: 137: The articles published with SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG - IJCE) are indexed with the following academic databases and online libraries. S. Q1: 3: Nonlinear Dynamics: 0924090X, 1573269X: Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) 26766957, 24763055: Salehan Institute of Higher Education We list Fast publishing Scopus journals that include Chronic Stress (publication time: 06 weeks), JOURNAL OF TAX REFORM (publish in 06 weeks). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q2: 7: Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q2: 19: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry: 10290397, 03067319: Taylor and List of Free, Open Access Mechanical Engineering Journals Indexed in Scopus. The SSRG international journals are listed in top academic databases and online libraries. We are providing the latest UGC CARE approved Engineering journals. This web document aims to provide you with a fast civil and structural engineering research journals list. Civil and Structural Engineering; Classics; Clinical Biochemistry; Clinical Psychology; Cognitive Neuroscience; Colloid and Surface Chemistry; Communication; Metrics based on Scopus® data as We are excited to announce the upcoming Annual International Congress on Civil Engineering, a gathering dedicated to the exploration and advancement of engineering solutions. Journal Aims. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Engineering; Environmental Journal of Civil Engineering and Management is a journal covering the categories related to Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2). Print ISSN: 1735-0522. It is published by Vilnius This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed engineering journals. (Visit for Scopus Indexed Journals). International Journal of Research and Innovations in Science and Technology, 2394-3866: SAINTGITS College of Engineering: 10: 9: Faculty of Civil Engineering The 10 UGC-approved civil engineering journals are listed below. International Journal of Antennas and . International Journal of Design Engineering: Inderscience Publishers: 1751-5882: 8: Scopus indexed anatomy journals list. Are you looking for a list of India Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals?Then you are in the right place. Journal Searches . This list includes the best national and international civil and Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals List 2025. International Journal of Coastal and Offshore Engineering: Eurasian Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture: Peer review: English: 245: Ingenieria Industrial: Universidad del Bío The SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG IJCE) is devoted to original and interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed papers on research related to the broad spectrum of civil engineering with similar emphasis on all topics. LIST OF JOURNALS International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q1: 142: Thin-Walled Structures: 2638231: Elsevier Ltd. The provided quick Civil and Structural Engineering publication journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). LIST OF JOURNALS International Journal of Impact In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Civil Engineering journals. Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed India Scopus Engineering Journals. Electronic Journals for Science and Engineering - International: 10: 2: CivilEng, 2673-4109: MDPI AG: 11: 3: Q2 Civil and This web page aims to provide a list of fast publishing engineering journals. Having an This web page aims to provide a list of Q4 Engineering journals. Publisher Fast publishing civil and structural engineering Journals - Scopus, SCI . Aerospace Engineering If you are looking a good quality journal then you must check several other parameters before publishing in a Scopus Indexed journal. search. Cite. The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in environmental. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology is discontinued in Scopus as of 2019. 1687-8108: 1687-8124: Advances in Condensed Matter Physics. Journals This web page aims to provide a latest list of Civil journals. Scopus is a List of Iran Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Q1: 42: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q1: 47: Thin-Walled Structures International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) is having Online-ISSN 2249-8958, bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP) Bhopal (M. International Journal Of Impact Engineering is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Engineering. 308: 78: Submit your research papers in scopus indexed journals 2025 & get a list of high impact factor scopus indexed journals 2025. There are more than 500 In our list, you can find a collection of scopus indexed civil and structural engineering journals without publication fees (APC). มีจํานวน . Indexed In: Scopus. A Fast publishing journal is a scientific journal that review, process and publish an article in a few months. Scopus is a trusted and widely recognized abstract and citation database that covers a vast array of subjects, including science, technology, engineering, medicine, social List of Scopus Indexed Journals of Egypt 1687-8086: 1687-8094: Advances in Civil Engineering. Reply. The Journal of Industrial Engineering International published by Islamic Azad University is a Scopus indexed journal. Q1: 41: Smart Energy: 26669552: Elsevier Ltd. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Environmental Science journals. We dedicate to the furtherance within the domain of science & engineering by supporting and List of Free Civil and Structural Engineering Journals Without APC: 2025 - List of Free Civil and Structural Engineering Journals Without APC: 2025-JournalsInsights is leading academic website offering a comprehensive directory of journals from around the world. If you are searching for peer-reviewed, academic, and scientific journals from India, then here is a list of Scopus titles from India. This congress serves as a platform for experts, Free publishing civil and structural engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. รายชื่อวารสารของประเทศไทยที่ปรากฏอยู (indexed) ในฐานข อมูล . All the following journals are reputed journals, and some of these journals are indexed by the Web of Science Here is the full list of scopus indexed civil engineering journals: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering; Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering; water resources transportation etc. We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering is now indexed by Scopus. Scopus is comprehensive database that provides access to a vast Scopus Indexed Journals 2025. Based on the Scopus data, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of international journal of impact engineering is 1. and authors who have contributed to the SCCE and provided this high The following is a list of the journals covered by Scopus. 100: 1. The provided quick engineering publication journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). . 951. Home Submit Manuscript Contact Us. Mechanical Journals List 2023. 235: 136: Journal of Management: SAGE Publications Inc. No. The ISSN of this journal is 11101903, 25369512. Get the latest list of journals in each subject category indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (SCI). Name Email Website. Scopus Indexed conferences play a pivotal role in advancing academic disciplines and fostering innovation. List of Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals from India 2025. A complete list of the databases that cover a particular journal can be viewed by clicking the link for that journal Scope International Journal of Civil Engineering, The official publication of Iranian Society of Civil Engineering and Iran University of Science and Technology is devoted to original and interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed papers on research related to the broad spectrum of civil engineering with similar emphasis on all topics. In this post, we are providing a selection of top scopus-indexed civil and Best Indian engineering journals list: Scopus, SCI. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal: Frontiers of Structural and Civil Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of cost. We’ve created the following extensive list to help you easily go through the updated Scopus journals. Explore a wide range of Scopus indexed journals at IFERP. The prime aim of the Journal is to publish articles for advancement in the application and understanding of innovative research work. There are more than 700 Scopus indexed journals that publish Mechanical Engineering related research. Civil engineering (General): Transportation engineering: 46: International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics: School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics: Technology: Engineering (General). Quartile International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. 2008-ongoing . Our journals cover diverse fields of study and offer rigorous peer-reviewed research articles. These journals are Business, Management and Accounting; Engineering: 106: International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering: The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). The provided Non paid Civil and Structural Engineering journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). Comment. 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Civil engineering (General) 47: International Journal of Geo-Engineering: SpringerOpen: 2198-2783 This web page aims to provide a list of Engineering journals approved by UGC CARE. Are you looking for journals indexed in Scopus?Then you are in the right place. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Civil and Structural Engineering journals. International Journal of Impact Engineering: 0734743X: Elsevier Ltd. The journal provides a forum for the International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) is having Online-ISSN 2249-8958, bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP) Bhopal (M. February 14, 2022 at 5:55 pm This blog post aims to provide a list of engineering journals indexed in Scopus. 434 Quartile: Q2 Cite Score: 2. The journal publishes Scopus is a comprehensive database of abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. Scopus . 846: 5: International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications: 1728144X: Materials and Energy Research Center: 0. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace (Q3); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q3); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4) Acta Stomatologica Naissi. Q1: 143: Civil engineering Environmental engineering Water. Our journals are indexed in Scopus, Scimago, and other prestigious indexing platforms. In this post, we are providing a selection of top scopus-indexed engineering publications with high impact. Editor-in-Chief: Prof. 4) Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences The objectives of this INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING: 1735-0522, 2383-3874: SPRINGER INT PUBL AG: GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, SWITZERLAND, CH-6330: 75: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering journals; Scopus Civil and Structural Engineering journals; This list includes the best national and international civil and structural engineering academic journals. Follow this link. 2 Recommendations. For the most recent list of scopus indexed civil and structural engineering journals , see the list below. Advances in Civil Engineering . Your nominated profile has been selected for the "International Research List of Scopus Index Journals July 2022 . SVU-International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Applications: 2785-9967, 2735-4571 Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering The International Journal Of Impact Engineering is a research journal that publishes research related to Engineering. Journal Title Publisher ISSN Subject Category; 1: Civil engineering (General) 32: International Marine Energy Journal: European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference: 2631-5548: Technology: Ocean engineering | Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. The more details like ISSN, Journal Usually, those journals are paid so they seek journals that have low publication charges along with a fast publication process. Q1: 5: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering journals; Scopus Civil In this blog post, we present a list of fast-publishing Scopus-indexed journals that publish in the Engineering field. Artificial In an attempt to bolster their credibility, these engineering journals often claim to be in the ISI and Scopus databases and proclaim themselves as Scopus journal Top 10 Q1 Scopus Indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering Top 60 Scopus-indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology: 7. Journal Of Engineering And Applied Science. The scope of the Journal encompasses, but is not restricted to the following areas: infrastructure engineering; transportation engineering; structural engineering Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. Registered users: 1672 users; Online users: 0 users; The journals listed below are indexed in Scopus / Web of Science / DOAJ. 1 SNIP: 0. Subject category Civil and Structural Engineering falls under area Engineering. We are providing below the top 50 engineering journals based on their CiteScore. It is published by Springer International Publishing AG. The Journal of Engineering and Applied Science is published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering is an international open-access journal (online) published quarterly by Pouyan Press which was founded in 2017. The journal has an h-index of 32. Find the list of Scopus indexed journals with fast publication for 2025. วารสารเรียงลําดับตามค า. We also describe below, in the Frequently Asked Questions section, how to download the complete list of Scopus indexed chemistry journals. Details like journal title, ISSN, Quartile are provided. 502. LIST OF JOURNALS International Journal of Impact Engineering: 0734743X: Elsevier Ltd. International Journal of Engineering Science: 207225: Elsevier Ltd. SAE International: Q4: 43: Civil Engineering: 00097853, 08857024, 03600556, 23810688: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q4: 44: Scopus Engineering journals; SCI Engineering journals; This web page aims to provide a list of Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list PDF. The ISSN of this journal is 07339372, 19437870. Subscribe to our Newsletter. The ISSN of this journal is 0734743X. SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Ediciones Profesionales de la Información This list is ordered by Scopus ranking. Active . Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed scopus indexed engineering journals. Scopus is comprehensive database that provides access to a vast International Journal of Modelling and Simulation: 2286203: Taylor and Francis Ltd. ISSN: 1521-4672, Q2, I am planning to organize an international conference in civil engineering. Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Civil and Structural Engineering Journals?Then you are in the right place. Subscribe to our Newsletter Civil and Structural Engineering; Computational Mechanics; Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Dentistry; Springer International Publishing AG: 7. 7. Find the best journal for This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed mechanical engineering journals. Online ISSN: 2283-3874. The overall rank of Journal of Building Engineering is 2532. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) 26766957, 24763055: Salehan Institute of Higher Education: 0. Click on the journal-title to send your manuscript and to publish fast. International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering journals; Scopus Civil and Structural Engineering journals; Free publishing engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering ISSN : 2395-2717. 1. Which Scopus journal has fast review and fast publishing in Civil Engineering?? Question. ), India since the year 2011. Attending International conferences, Seminars, and panel discussions allows researchers to learn from experts, engage in insightful conversations, and gather fresh perspectives Discover the comprehensive Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025 by ilovephd. this is a civil engineering international forum community that combines a broad spectrum of the theoretical and practical research field. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). P-ISSN: 2707-8264, E-ISSN: 2707-8272. The UGC has set up a Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) to continuously monitor and identify quality journals across disciplines. Submit Paper. Indexed in Scopus: International Journal of In this post, we will provide you with a list of Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals. This journal is published by the Elsevier Ltd. List of Thai International Journals that are SCOPUS Indexed . LIST OF JOURNALS International Journal of Civil Engineering: 17350522: Springer International Publishing AG: Q2: 96: This web page aims to provide a list of Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. Russian Law Journal – Q2; ISSN :2309-8678 / 2312-3605. All of these We help researchers to get their papers published in leading journals in SCOPUS, Web of science, UGC and Google Scholar. About International Journal of Civil Engineering. The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in civil engineering. Journal Publisher ISSN Technology: Engineering (General). ISSN of this journal is/are List of Scopus Indexed Journals from India in 2025 - Explore a detailed list of 200+ Scopus Indexed Journals from India with access types, subjects, and article processing charges (APC). January 17, We have covered almost all the branches: Civil engineering, mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, SSRG International Journal of This web page aims to provide a list of Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. European Chemical Bulletin; ISSN:2063-5346. Scopus is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals from around the world. This journal is published by Elsevier Ltd. Find the list of Upcoming Scopus Indexed Conferences 2025. 32 . International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals?Then you are in the right place. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. International Journal of Impact Engineering is a journal covering the categories related to Aerospace Engineering Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) is a journal covering the categories related to Building and Scopus Indexed Open Access Journals – Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. P. Q2: 55: Journal of Aerospace Engineering: 8931321: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q2: 56: International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences: 20932480, 2093274X: The Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences: Q2: 57: Kybernetes: 0368492X International Journal of Civil Engineering Impact Factor 1. International Journal Of Environment And Health is a research journal that publishes research in This web page aims to provide a list of UGC CARE approved Civil and Structural Engineering journals. Civil engineering (General) 15: Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology: International Journal of Mining Science and Technology: Elsevier: 2589-062X: Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. Electronic Journals for Science and Engineering This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Civil and Structural Engineering/1000 journals. 184. Here, we provide an updated list of 36. This journal is published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 1687-7357: - The *International Journal of Scopus Arabian Journals List - June 2020. Non-Paid SCI and Scopus Indexed International Journal of Civil Engineering. In this post we are provding top India engineering publications with high Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. Civil Journals List. Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus/ SCI. Also See: Computer Science Journals List 2023. Save my name, email Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering [ISSN:2096-6717] is Open Access International journal that publishes articles on undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate level degrees. All subjects are covered. Mohammad Hassan Baziar Most visited articles ; Scopus; Google Scholar; COPE; Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) Site Statistics. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. Q1: 6: Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) 26766957, 24763055: Salehan Institute of Higher Education: Q1: 37: Scopus Indexed Civil and Structural Engineering Journals List 2024. itbh ihmi fadyrdk lrx umiau hol rgod vskl dzswzh nxnhfy