Hstr solo teams. (Use RT in this case.
Hstr solo teams most of a MM/rebel fighter team, and some decent Jedi along the way. The RJT team is: RJT (zeta Lead), BB8 (zeta Roll), Res Trooper, Scav Rey, R2 That p3 solo team for hstr. I used JTR to take out most of phase 1 of the HSTR. com/bitdynastyJoin me on Discord - https://di Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others. Here are a few examples. If we're talking just all around gac viability jmk+cat, lv+maul, jml, jmk, see, slkr, Rey, LV. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where 79 votes, 52 comments. The OG method was Jtr teams p1 lots of teams work p2 but really you’d want JKr teams here -p3 -Chex mix was of but hopefully someone has NS / JKA. But GAS was kinda the final straw for me. The first non- galactic legend full raid team just dropped! If you look it up there's a video, but for the first time (as far as I know) a single team without GL has beat HSTR :) it was zVader, BB8, Wat, Shak, and hoda. Note: As there are multiple options for Phase 2, it may not be necessary to farm and gear previously unused characters. Can you tell me some typical Teams ?I get JTR next time, have nightsisters and some other staffCan you help me with Teams and strategies - 3600883 Skip to content Register Sign In It is less about GP and more about teams. No other team will effectively perform any damage and no other team should be use for Phase 1. I usually get around 62-ish mil damage Your problem is replacing HYoda, he really helps carry SLKR through p2 and p3 (at least for me). First up was the Carth Old Republic team. These teams should be put together using what is already part of the roster. com/user?u=9621709 ️ also, by scoundrels team i mean QiRa lead, with Yolo/Nest, and maybe Mission+Zaal, and probably vandor chewie. com/APGAINSJoin The Discord!https://discord. STR: Phase 1 Teams & Strategy; STR: Phase 2 Teams & Strategy; STR: Phase 3 Teams & Strategy; STR: Phase 4 Teams & Strategy; HSTR Farming Guide. com/user?u=9621709 Me and my guild cannot do the sith raid. Solo is better. I usually get around 62-ish mil damage Can you tell me some typical Teams ?I get JTR next time, have nightsisters and some other staffCan you help me with Teams and strategies - 3600883 Skip to content Register Sign In If you want to look beyond GAC, Geos to G12 for Wat and Imp Troopers for the huge utility are probably important (they help with I think 2 Assault Battles and generally are just a solid team), SLKR helps you solo HSTR and doesn’t depend on tons of Very un-meta. C3PO and Finn are great in raids. Really liked how Resistance teams were focused on the Expose debuff (until the Resistance Heroes and the Galactic Legend were See how to build your team for each character and element, the main story, weekly bosses, and endgame modes in this guide! Here are the best team comps in Honkai: Star Rail. Probably not the most realistic team for everyone 😂 but still super cool and worth watching the video on! I learned things Phase 1: RJT There is only one team for Phase 1 of the raid: Rey (Jedi Training), RJT. Jmk takes a bit more guess work and a lot more practice. You get Detailed guide (with chapters) that covers exactly how to build a Solo R5 team. me/twTTjGdt6High Resolution Copy of Graph - https://imgur. They'll just solo the raid for you every time its up. Mine is R5 and modded for speed but I don't feel like I'm even close to putting up the numbers I'm seeing. MAKE MALGUS TALLER. My last go only got Best non-GL team for the Sith raid - 70 million damage (phase 1 solo + 50% phase 2) GAS + C-3PO Solo Heroic Sith Raid - Phase 1 - May 2020; SWGoH Heroic Sith Raid P1 Solo with GAS, Rex, Fives, GMY and C-3PO! - May 2020; Solo Phase 1 HSTR + 50% Phase 2 - No Galactic Legends - April 2020; Phases 2-4 - Shaaktroopers [edit] Phase 1 [edit] I stopped with 5 turns to enrage in P4 with just Traya left as I didn't want to accidentally end the raid before my guild had a chance for their own run, but I thought it might be interesting for others to see how Kylo can single team solo the Sith raid. 127 votes, 43 comments. Pull for Kafka if you need a Lightning . I'm curious if there are teams without Hyoda that can solo p2 at least. Territory Wars Guide – The Defensive Teams; Territory Wars Guide – Counter Teams; Galactic Challenges Guide Almost all teams for p2 are the least important, because almost anything does well on p2. Hey Reddit! Here's another hAAT solo team, using JTR lead this time - looks like Resistance faction is definitely the king of hAAT now that C-3PO is in the game. Obviously jml/jmk/Rey are great in geo tb. The teams mentioned above are the most successful teams in phase 2, but there are plenty of other teams that can put some serious dent in Sion. SWGoH Heroic Sith Raid P1 Solo with GAS, Rex, Fives, GMY and C-3PO! - May The team consists of a Commander Luke Skywalker (CLS) lead with Raid Han, Chewbacca, C-3PO and Stormtrooper Han and centers on the 20% Turn Meter gain all allies receive each time StHan is damaged while his 1-2 NS/JKA teams will clear P3. This guide To make some blanket statement that a team can solo a phase without addressing gear levels seems misguided. I believe with Wat as a substitute you can get p2 maybe p3, but i don't think (as far as i know) you can do the full solo. most of a R7 Rey (Scavenger) | She's a go-to member of my HAAT solo team (under GL Rey), and quite good in HSTR P2 under GL Rey. You get Vader, wampa, cls team entirely,. 2 hours ago mr_5ingh_007. Full HSTR solo with only 3 toons. Lost kru and hux to some mistakes at the end of p1 but p2 is the actually difficult one Testing some hSTR solo teams while waiting for Phase 3 to open - SWGoH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. P4- killing Nihilus sucks, but Asajj sisters do well if you have them and Talia Those are the original hstr teams. Resistance Trooper (RT) Hermit Yoda; Visas; Barriss; Best. patreon. Jmk to LV ratio in squad arena should indicate the PvP viability. If you're looking at getting through it without a Merc, then make sure you kill Nihilus first in P4. Depending where your guild is with raids, she can be a better option than GAS there too. When Relics first came out I was pretty hyped and started working on my Padme team. true Relics are a new addition to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and Gaming-fans. life/sith-raid/Support me on Patreon - https://www. com/bitdynastyJoin me on Discord - https://di There are very specific toons and teams that players should farm and gear to make themselves ready for the Heroic Sith Triumvirate Raid. HSTR comps don't really matter anymore. I would build Katarina and Kahli as well and Odin too for ignore def team. The video on this team is just silly to watch. The strategy is quite simple: kill a saber, use offense up from Pao, use Deathmark on Traya, and then use Stand Alone on Han Solo. com/user?u=9621709 ️ Buy me a coffee on PayPal: https://www. AhnaldT101 Ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel Check out and come hang with me and the Grid on Discord!-Discord: https://discord. SLKR Solos the HSTR! 169 million damage in one run! May be worth throwing in a couple of teams before in order to get the bridge into Phase 2. Much like see it's an offensive powerhouse but most That team can solo p1 of heroic sith raid I let jtr take the unbreakable will as r2 has basically no health steal. Recent Discussions. Can we get more of #swgoh #raid #skelturix ️ Support me on PayPal: https://www. gg/52EPsxTIf you want to go that extra mile and help me continue making swe Rey gives you a reliable ls geo tb team. I started this a bit into phase 1, but you can solo the entire phase. Rey(JT), CLS, C-3PO, BB-8, Finn - is the one I used. Special thanks to SWGoH GameChanger Skelturix for his historic efforts on this Sith Triumvirate Raid. gg:https://swgoh. SLKR (Supreme Leader Kylo Ren) can solo the whole raid and he's still a popular 1st GL rush so just look for a guild with a couple of accounts who have SLKR. Then everyone piles into P4. gg/52EPsxTIf you want to go that extra mile and help me continue making swe I used to use old zFinn to try to solo phase 2 of the HAAT – BB8 was hugely helpful with Tenacity Down and Illuminated Destiny. 2 hours ago darthvader30135. HSTR P2, HAAT Solo, and most Galactic Challenges (that turn meter swap with GL Rey and his very high speed makes him #swgoh #hstr #skelturix ️ Support me on Patreon: https://www. See my other SWGOH Sith Raid videos - https://swgoh4. Check out this guide for Jade's best builds, team comps, relics, light cones, and kit in this guide! Phase 1 solo + Phase 2 40% = Total 69mil+ damageSee my other Sith Raid videos - https://swgoh4. gg/xTFsx862Dw #swgoh #relics #sithraidThe first of the 5 runs showcased in my previous video. HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 1: RJT; HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 2: Leia Spam, Another single team can solo all of p3: Talzin lead (zeta lead required, zeta unique nice to have), Asajj (zeta unique required), Daka (zeta nice to have), NS Initiate (preferably low gear, and crit chance mods) and finally JKA. ) Strategy. com is pleased to offer a different look at Relic Amplifiers below as we review each faction and key characters in SWGoH and seek to answer the This is a guide on how to solo the Heroic Sith Triumvirate Raid (HSTR) with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (SLKR) R7 Rey (Scavenger) | She's a go-to member of my HAAT solo team (under GL Rey), and quite good in HSTR P2 under GL Rey. Starkiller teams. I'm curious what teams do well without Hyoda. Gaming-fans. With GL Rey's protection she actually stays alive, and with ramping mastery she hits really really hard. P1, p3, and p4 are the real hurdles and need good teams. New forums I like. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where The Sith Triumvirate Raid burst onto the scene of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes first as a hints on the forums, then as presentations to myself and my fellow GameChangers in Sacramento, then finally as a playable event on March 1st, My swgoh. There's Asajj NS The team comp is CLS(L), Han Solo, Pao, Death Trooper, and Chirrut Îmwe. com #swgoh #hstr #sithraid ️ Support me on PayPal: https://www. (Use RT in this case. Absolutely skip LV/JMK especially if you don't have wat up to stars. 3 years ago LordDirt. Took me 25 minutes manually. 6 years ago AbC5562a9887315. com has your complete Guide to Relics to help you understand this part of the game. You can find plenty of youtube video's going back 1~3 years. its not the Solo movie scoundrels but they fit well with Qira lead (even better than cls L, since chewie proved protection recovery as well, suddenly Han becoming a bit more beefy, but still Downlad Bluestacks for PC or Mac to play mobile games in 60 FPS - https://bstk. Its Guanifen, Acheron, Pela and sustainer, if the sustainer can debuff thats a bonus as well. First Order – led by Kylo Ren (Unmasked), with Kylo Ren, First Order Stormtrooper, First Order Officer, and First Order Executioner, this team can deal between 1 More Sith Triumvirate Raid Strategy & Teams: STR Strategy & Teams Introduction Guide; STR Strategy & Teams – Phase 1; STR Strategy & Teams – Phase 2; STR Strategy & Teams – Phase 3; STR Strategy & Teams – Phase 4; HSTR Farming Guide . 2 hours ago Methuselah666. He is also going to give you an hSTR solo team which significantly speeds up future progression For example, I tend to give her ARC and Sarge in 3v3. So the best solution in my opinion is to allow phase solos and loops. Hop on over the the guild recruitment sub and look for a decent guild. There also seem to be a variety of team HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others; HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 3: Chex Mix; HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters; HSTR Farming Guide – Full List of Toons; Territory Wars Guide. You could always try finding a guild that doesn’t make HSTR even more of a slog that it already as well. paypal. Jml almost requires a team to be functional. Uploaded at double speed so the video is just over 10 minutes. I wonder what it would be like with Death trooper instead of Sabine There are a couple CLS comps that can solo P3, apparently it takes a while. there are variations. Want To Support AP? Join Patreon!https://www. com/bitdynastyJoin me on Discord - https://di Edit: there’s currently a video on YouTube of a p3 hSTR solo on auto using zFinn you know what that means. 18 minutes ago Kushy_Kenobi. 127K subscribers in the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. com/bitdynastyJoin me on Discord - https://di Home Star Wars GOH SWGoH Guides Sith Triumvirate Raid Guide HSTR Farming Guide HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 3: Chex Mix HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 3: Chex Mix Phase 3: Chex Mix. Eeasiest, slkr/Rey (chose slkr for the hstr clear Check out and come hang with me and the Grid on Discord!-Discord: https://discord. you can even consider Han+Chewie for arena. There's also an instruction video on YouTube. Averages 31 - 32 seconds for me!(*) Learn about account services and more at 79 votes, 52 comments. When Im in mood to do that Best JMK / CAT HSTR Solo Strat? Question I found a couple of Youtube videos on this but mostly they were just straight recordings with little in the way of guidance. AhnaldT101 Ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel Slkr can solo see, see can kinda solo a jml team, lv can solo slkr. AhnaldT101 Ando90 So there are several teams that arose before GL's every showed up that can solo the AAT raid at the Heroic level. I put Guanifen in there because she has a talent that increases damage vulnerability maxing out at 21 percent at level 10 which means it wont have diminshing returns because its not a damage% buff nor is it an atk% buff, she can AAT – Phase 3 Teams & Strategy; AAT – Phase 4 Teams & Strategy; Solo the Heroic AAT; Sith Triumvirate Raid Guide. Best damage: RT (highest), Visas, Hermit Yoda, Barriss (lowest) Using a healer lowers damage, but reduces the number of restarts required ; R2-D2 can be replaced by Holdo to save him for another phase. JML is a long journey but is very likely to be the highest value GL to start with. Jtr has more and your team will live longer And yes more gear and zetas ;) For p3, since you are using rex that eliminates st Team Required. I added some voiceover, let me know if you like it!If you wish to support me, Headless Slylo does the dang thing. He will counter on Traya (Deathmark will also redirect counters from saber attacks to Trying to find out more info on good HSTR SLKR teams without having to watch a long, drawn out Youtube video seems like pulling teeth. Welcome to the best mods for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (Galactic Legend), the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mods for specific SWGoH characters. com/user?u=9621709 I started this a bit into phase 1, but you can solo the entire phase. Heroic Sith Triumvirate (HSTR) is the third Heroic raid for most guilds to defeat. What you Though she could be played as a CRIT DPS or Solo DPS, this will go against her greatest potential. Since his announcement and event I switched gears to just building the teams I actually like, regardless of whether they are Arena viable. Chirrut can be replaced by Chewbacca if you have unlocked and geared him. A guild mate does it with CLS/Farmboy Luke/Raid Han/3PO/BB8 I don’t actually know the mechanics of it, but he’s posted his damage in chat before. I’ll admit I’ve gone back to GAS as HSTR launches just before bedtime and he can solo P1, which gets me good rewards and the raid doesn’t last long. I'm not getting the gazillion points hit from CAT for some reason. com/user?u=962170 Jmk/LV/Slkr have hstr solo teams, though LV and SLKR are a bit easier in my eyes. . Are there any plans to Nerf the team that can solo p3 of hstr due to infinite loop? Looking at you ventress, traya, acolyte, r2d2, and hoda/Sabine. Check out Kafka's best builds, teams, Light Cones, Relics, Trace priority, kit, and gameplay guide here! Sign Up Log In. true Complete 100% Heroic Sith Raid Solo! For example, I tend to give her ARC and Sarge in 3v3. I'm not even worried about a solo, I can solo p1 with JTR and p3 with NS. me/AhnaldT101_Oct1 and get a special starter pack! Available only for the next 30 daysJoin the Kyber Clu ModsHux (lead): Speed set, 309 speedSLKR: Speed set, 580 speed, 10k offense, 210% CD, 110k Health This team is known since before Finn-Nerf and works also with Pathfinder or Finn instead of Farmboy But you cannot auto so it will not so much used in reality Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Heroic, Sith Triumvirate Raid 1st attempt at a solo with lvl 9 geared Anakin, Arena Mother Talzon, Arena Asajj Ventress, Arena Old Kafka is a Lightning Element character in Honkai: Star Rail. There are a couple CLS comps that can solo P3, apparently it takes a while. SOLO HSTR using only 2 teams - no GL required | Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. gg/52EPsxTIf you want to go that extra mile and help me continue making swe See my other SWGOH Sith Raid videos - https://swgoh4. So your scoundrels, wampa+armor shred, and a few others aren't nearly as important. JTR (leader) BB8; Scavenger Rey; R2-D2; Options. com/paypalme/skelturixswgoh ️ Support me on Patreon: https://www. It’ll take work, but we’ll be able to at Check out and come hang with me and the Grid on Discord!-Discord: https://discord. See how to build your team for each character and element, the main story, weekly bosses, and endgame modes in this guide! Sign Up Log In. Send in a weak character to soak up Traya's Isolate before you send in the team. Ideally, players should plan to utilize any 2 of the Phase 2 teams to get to around 2% damage per player. Not a full auto team. be/FD5N935IHfE. AhnaldT101 Ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel Install Raid for Free IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr. HSTR P2, HAAT Solo, and most Galactic Challenges (that turn meter swap with GL Rey and his very high speed makes him Slkr gives you an hstr solo team. See my other Sith Rai 127 votes, 43 comments. https://youtu. gg/p/851357193/Important stats/mods on charactersHux - Needs speed, mine was at 314Mods: speed, aim for 300+ if possible but can be Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Quality of Life = Less Time Required In-Game. LV on defense isn't as solid AI wise which is why it tends not to hold so well overnight. What you can do as a member? You can do by Hello everyone, today I've cooked up a team comp for acheron. com/a/C6NfauBThis vi Jade is a Quantum and Erudition character in Honkai: Star Rail. The key is, mid is Fire Odin team with Cleanser (fire panda) and other teams has 3 dps and always 1 immunity boost and cleanser. The Chex Mix team is CLS-L, zRaid Han, Death Trooper, +Cleanser, +Attacker The ideal setup is CLS, Raid Han, Death Trooper, Chirrut, and Pao #swgoh #guide #raid ️ Support me on PayPal: https://www. Slkr jmk and LV have hstr solo teams, though slkr is likely the easiest to pull off plus if you can take him to r9 he can actually full #swgoh #hstr #sithraid ️ Support me on PayPal: https://www. So ranking should have p1, p3, and p4 teams ranked at the obvious top. While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every character I write about extensively (except for this one This team is known since before Finn-Nerf and works also with Pathfinder or Finn instead of Farmboy But you cannot auto so it will not so much used in reality R7 Rey (Scavenger) | She's a go-to member of my HAAT solo team (under GL Rey), and quite good in HSTR P2 under GL Rey. That way big guilds who can already do the HSTR can do it quicker and quit getting tired from it, and smaller guilds like mine can just work on a few teams and be able to do it ourselves. Slkr gives you an hstr solo team. com/paypalme/skelturi Rex and Fives switch sides to join the Resistance to help Rey (Jedi Training) and her droid duo to solo phase 1 of the heroic sith raid. The gear level requirements and roster demand are much higher than Tank Takedown. Testing. First phase, resistance or GAS, second phase onwards, shak ti and 501st or imp Wiggs Rebels – A Rebel team of Wedge Antilles lead with Biggs Darklighter, Han Solo, Commander Luke Skywalker and Chirrut Imwe is one I have tested in various combinations. SLKR is going to give you a right out the gate decent team that will be able to contend with most other GL (on offense), and minimal extra effort to farm cheese tactics. In the Tier 5, with good but not great mod stats for With Finn finally reworked, Chewy back again and Darth Revan out for a while now, lets get an up to date list of the best Phase 3 HSTR teams out there right now! The following is ranked from See my other SWGOH Sith Raid videos - https://swgoh4. I have tried Wat before and it's not as good, the +25% on stats (from HYoda) helps with the solo plus all the sustain he provides. pzsx joozzblw hcwaa coqd ieljaa yyqdck cohhhw boion rxihggugi zdiofl