Fast publishing scopus indexed journals in civil engineering 2022 top. 915
Fast publishing engineering Journals - Scopus, SCI .
Fast publishing scopus indexed journals in civil engineering 2022 top. ISSN: 18446035, 20672128.
Fast publishing scopus indexed journals in civil engineering 2022 top The overall rank of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure International Journal of Civil Engineering is a comprehensive platform for theoretical and practical research related to civil engineering and its sub-topics. Special Issue "Innovative Strategies in Civil Engineering Grand This blog post aims to provide the list of Best civil engineering journals. The ISSN of this journal is 21535493, 21535515. TOOLS. Aim & Scope: Innovative Higher Education is a refereed scholarly journal that strives to package fresh ideas in higher education in a straightforward and readable fashion. In this article, iLovePhD presented the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in Mechanical Engineering with impact factor based on Google Scholar citation score. A good Scopus journal publishes pertinent and cutting-edge research on a specific topic. Active or Inactive: Active. QUARTILE Q1 Free publication Civil and Structural Engineering journals; Fast publication Civil and Structural Engineering journals; Hello everyone, I want some fast publish and free journals with quartile Q2 in the fields of Remote sensing and earth and environmental Science The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in environmental. There are more than 700 Scopus indexed journals that publish Mechanical Engineering related research. Top journals; Fast publishing journals; Free (Non- paid) publishing journals; Links. This web page aims to provide a list of Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. List of low-cost Scopus indexed Journals 1. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies Topics: Moreover, these journals are also indexed in Scopus. Click on the journal title to get more details and to send your manuscript. QUARTILE Q1 journals; Q2 journals; Q3 journals; Q4 journals; FAST PUBLICATION; FREE PUBLICATION; CONTACT; ABOUT; Search. 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This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Civil and Structural Engineering journals. In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Civil Engineering journals. There are more than 500 Scopus indexed journals that publish Mathematics related research. Publication Time: 9 weeks; Impact Factor: 5. . In this post, we have provided a list of top Free (non-paid) Scopus Journals . Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of cost. List of Scopus indexed journals in 2023. A Fast publishing journal is a scientific journal that review, process and publish an article in a few months. Scopus is currently indexing nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers. The below listed free electrical engineering journals are indexed in Scopus or DOAJ. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list 2024 PDF. Journal Rank: 9597. At Discontinued from July 2022: 2: Advanced Engineering Forum: Trans Tech Publications Inc. E. Journal Of Engineering And Applied Science. The four main purposes of Innovative Higher Education are: (1) to present descriptions Scopus indexed Civil and Structural Engineering Journals. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal List Excel. In this blog post, we have listed the top 50 material science Scopus journals. Publisher: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS ISSN / eISSN:0733-9437 / 1943-4774 Indexer: SCIE. Menu. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. Top 50 Scopus indexed journals in mechanical engineering October 22, 2021. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: World Journal of Engineering: 17085284: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. However, we are listing the top Scopus indexed Electrical Engineering journals. Fast publishing Mechanical Engineering Journals - Scopus, SCI . Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed Scopus Indexed journals from India. #civilengineeringjournal #fastpublicationjournals #drdineshjHello Friends!In this video we will discuss about fast publication Civil Engineering Journals an Free Scopus SCI journals in mechanical engineering Date May 6, 2022; Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in engineering Date June 3, 2021; Mechanical Engineering Scopus journals Date December 10, 2022; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Scientific Studies; DST Call for Proposals under WISE-SCOPE Fellowship; Post doctoral Fellowships in List of Fast publishing Scopus journals in education 1. Various universities publish special issues free of cost in fast-track mode. This web page aims to provide the latest civil engineering Scopus indexed journals. These are the top Scopus indexed journal in civil engineering 2021. All subjects are covered. This web document aims Scopus is currently indexing nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers. Call for papers in UGC CARE journals 2023. E-ISSN: 23656271 2022-2023. Also See: Computer Science Journals List 2023. These journals are published by popular publishers with a List of Free Scopus indexed journals in Electrical Engineering. J) is published monthly. Call for papers for free journal publication; Free publishing social sciences journals list; List of fast publishing Scopus We are providing below the top 50 mechanical engineering journals based on their CiteScore. Subscribe to our Newsletter. 5 SNIP: Top 10 Q1 Scopus Indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering American Society of Civil Engineers: 1. Journal of Rock Mechanics and (2022) Scopus journal within two weeks with low cost. It is a high-quality periodical journal that deals with all research areas of computer science and have been appearing in digital and printed forms since 1995. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies Topics: Malaysian Scopus Indexed Journals: Scopus Indexed Journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters. LIST OF JOURNALS. A total of 100 Engineering Scopus journals are listed below. Subscribe to LIST OF JOURNALS. Publish quickly in top Scopus journals with our curated selection of free Scopus indexed Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of cost. No. A few journals are also indexed in Web of Science. Details like journal title, ISSN, This journal is published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). There are many India journals indexed in the Scopus database. This web document aims to provide you with a fast engineering research journals list. Language: ENG. The monthly published Scopus journals take less time to review the papers. However, we are listing the top 40 Scopus indexed Mechanical Engineering journals. Journal Policies: Some journals have streamlined editorial procedures and policies that prioritize specific books. Skip to content. J) aims to offer you the fastest possible speed of publication. 915 Fast publishing NAAS rated journals Date March 3, 2023; NAAS rating journals above 6 Date June 14, 2022; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Scientific Studies; DST Call for Proposals under WISE-SCOPE Fellowship; Post doctoral Fellowships in India; Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in Multidisciplinary Several factors can impact the speed of publishing in Scopus indexed journals are. In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Mathematics journals. Moreover, all these scientific journals are open access. This blog post aims to provide a list of Q1 and fast-publishing research journals. 2023 Upcoming International Conference, SCI Indexed Journals. These journals are Web of Science and Scopus indexed. Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara- International Journal of Engineering: Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, University Politehnica Timisoara: 1584-2665: 31: Annals of Plant and Soil Research: G. The Journal of Engineering and Applied Science is published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Free Scopus Indexed Multidisciplinary Journals Date February 17, 2022; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Scopujournals. These fastest-publishing journals also possess high acceptance rates. Impact Factor: 1. Provides a forum for international civil engineering community for discussions and developments. A total of 120 Chemistry Scopus journals are listed below. We visited various universities and journals’ websites to find such free Scopus-indexed and fast-publication journals. updated non paid SCI and Scopus indexed engineering journals are listed below. 590: 0. Most of the Scopus-indexed journals are paid, and a few journals indexed by Scopus are published free of cost. Scopus Indexed Journals with Researchers who carry out research works on this branch of study can consider the following journals to publish their research findings. paper to easily find journals that could be best suited for publishing. Time to first decision: 19 days. More similar posts: Best civil engineering journals with high-impact factors; List of Scopus Indexed Journals in Civil Engineering; Fast publishing SCI-indexed Journals in engineering International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking SCImago Journal Country & Rank SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Ediciones Profesionales de la Información Scopus is currently indexing nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers. Usually, those journals are paid so they seek journals that have low publication charges along with a fast publication process. 200 Scopus indexed Civil and Structural Engineering Discover Scopus indexed journals with fast publication. A total of 100 civil engineering Scopus journals are listed below. Focuses on interdisciplinary research in civil engineering, encompassing related sub-topics. Researchers are advised to click on the journal title to know more journal details. There are more than 500 Scopus indexed journals that publish Electrical Engineering-related research. Researchers carrying out studies on structural engineering can consider the following top journals to publish their research outcomes. Open Access: nan. About; This blog post features a list of non-paid open-access Civil and Structural Engineering journals indexed in Scopus. Non-Paid SCI and Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals 1. The journals are indexed in the Web of Science (SCIE/SSCI), and Scopus. In the optimal case, it embodies the highest quality research done in the field. Almost all subjects are covered. The ISSN of this journal is 11101903, 25369512. ISSN: 18446035, 20672128. 2022; Fast publishing Scopus journals in mathematics Date November 16, Publish in Top Research Journals. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed engineering journals. Review of Civil Engineering Journal (IRECE) has Fast route Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. This web page aims to provide the latest Engineering Scopus indexed journals. The table contains information like Quick publishing journals Date August 15, 2022; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Fast publishing International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking SCImago Journal Country & Rank SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Ediciones Profesionales de la Información Discover Scopus indexed journals with fast publication. Publish quickly in top Scopus journals with our curated selection of free Scopus indexed Elsevier is a Netherlands-based publishing company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content. Civil Journals List. 9 Fast Publishing Free Journals with a 10-100 % Acceptance Rate are discussed in this video. Q2: 47: Fast publication engineering journals; I am looking for a journal which is Scopus indexed, high response and fast publication with a reasonable APC in the field of (Construction Management or Project Management) in Civil Engineering. All given journals are q4 and easy to publish papers. Below are some recommendations for fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in 2025: Journal of Fast Publishing Research (JFPR): Journal is known for its rapid review process, typically allowing for acceptance within 4 to 6 weeks. Coverage: 2019-2022. Submit Cancel. Scopus, launched in 2004, covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). In this post, we will provide you with a list of Scopus Indexed India Journals. This web page aims to provide the latest list of top research journals. More engineering journals: 8 Engineering journals to publish without publication fee; Scopus-indexed journals in engineering; List of Fast publishing SCI journals in Engineering 1) Journal Of Rock Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering. (SCI, Scopus indexed). ⚡ Journal Imprint. 156: University of Engineering and Technology, Scopus, SCI Date June 22, 2022; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Scientific Studies; DST Call for Proposals under WISE-SCOPE Fellowship; Post doctoral Fellowships in India; Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in Free publishing artificial intelligence Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. 3D Printing in Medicine. 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Taking part in an engineering conference in 2022 will help you learn more about the role of websites in spotting fake International Journal of Civil Engineering. LIST OF JOURNALS American Society of Civil Engineers Fast publishing engineering Journals - Scopus, SCI . V. Open Access: Unpaywall Open Acess American If you are worried about the Scopus-indexed journals 2025 fast publication, then check the updated list on our site and help yourself with advanced research. Indexed Journals by Scopus gives authority and credibility to civil engineering doctoral researchers. Below we list the top 100 Scopus-indexed Computer Science journals. 915 Fast publishing engineering Journals - Scopus, SCI . More similar posts. 2022; Fast publishing SCI journals for machine learning research Date November 14, 2021; mostly non-scopus indexed journals publish in 15-20days. Journal of Universal Computer Science. All the below listed journals are open access. Sunny. Q3: 2: Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina This blog post aims to provide the list of Best civil engineering journals. QUARTILE Q1 Free publication Civil and Structural Engineering journals; Fast publication Civil and Structural Engineering journals; There are many free Scopus-indexed engineering journals that publish with no APC. com is a valuable resource for researchers and publishers, offering access to a curated list of high-quality, indexed scientific journals. Fast Publishing Scopus Indexed Computer Science Engineering Journals 1. Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences: 0. Dr. SJR (SCImago Journal Rank): 0. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal List 2024 PDF. Our mission is to connect users with top-tier journals recognized for their excellence. Those who couldn’t care less can simply opt to check out our already compiled list of Scopus indexed journals 2025. Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; LinkedIn; JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING. Follow us. CiteScore 2022 (Scopus) released 2023-06-11; This blog post aims to provide a list of Computer Science journals indexed in Scopus. K. Civil Engineering Journal (C. Structural engineering is a specialty of civil engineering that mainly focused on the analysis and design of the structure. There are more than 500 This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed engineering journals. NAAS rating journals above 6 Date June 14, 2022; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Scientific Studies; Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in Multidisciplinary; Moreover, these journals are also indexed in Scopus. In this blog post, we are listing the top 22 Elsevier Scopus indexed journals. The journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks are listed. LIST OF JOURNALS American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Q2: 46: Global Energy Interconnection: 25900358, 20965117: KeAi Communications Co. 2234-9898: Best UGC CARE journals. This web page aims to provide the latest Chemistry Scopus indexed journals. 205 Quartile: Q4 Cite Score: 0. The journals are ranked from one to 200 based on Scopus SJR (SCImago Journal Rank). S. Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. The journal Substantia published by Firenze For a list of the top 2023 Scopus indexed journals, Moreover, so many new engineering journals and publishers have sprung up recently that nobody (experienced or otherwise) will know about them all or their reputations. In this process, iLovePhD presented the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Electrical and Electronic Engineering journals. Could you suggest the list of January 19, 2022; Scopus indexed pharmacy journals list Date August 11, 2021; Orthodontics journals indexed in Scopus Date May 7, 2023; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Scientific Studies; DST Call for Proposals under WISE-SCOPE Fellowship; Post doctoral Fellowships in India; Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in Multidisciplinary This web page aims to provide the latest list of free publication research journals. Society: 0972-1959: 32: Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) National Academy of Medical Sciences: 0379-038X: 33. Researchers are advised to click on the Free UGC CARE journals for quick publication; Scopus-indexed journals with fast publication; electrical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering Publisher: University of Nigeria ISSN: 2467-8821. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. The journals are published by reputed publishers (Elsevier, Springer, renowned universities, etc. Each subject category of journals is divided into four quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. ). Innovative Higher Education. It covers a variety of disciplines and emphasizes timely, relevant research. Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio International Journal of Civil Engineering. Q1 is occupied by the top 25% of journals in the list; Q2 is occupied by journals in the 25 to 50% group. This blog post aims to provide a list of fast-publishing Scopus-indexed journals that publish research without any publication charges. Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus/ SCI. Mechanical Journals List 2023. Quality #1; Every Top Scopus Journal Is A Specialised One. Publisher: Editura Universitati din Oradea We will be providing the fast-publishing Scopus SCI journals in this blog post. Peer-Review Process: The efficiency and thoroughness of the peer-review method plays a pivotal position in determining the speed of publication. This web page aims to provide a list of Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. All these electrical engineering journals are open-access. The journal publishes research in the field related to Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4). Check also the status of journal whether it got discontinued or not before sending paper. The fast-track Scopus journals expect researchers to submit quality papers. Theoretical And Applied Mechanics Letters is a Revista Ciencia y Construcción. We also show to get the complete Elsevier Scopus indexed journals list. Here, iLovePhD listed the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in “Civil Engineering” with impact factors to help the research scholars, academicians, and scientists for publishing their research outcomes pertaining to civil engineering. All these journals are interdisciplinary in nature and belong to We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering is now indexed by Scopus. Almost any graduate student or researcher aspires to review a fascinating topic, contribute to the current work in the domain, and have their This blog post aims to provide you with a list of fast publishing SCI journals in Electrical engineering. Find the best Scopus journal list featuring fast publishing Scopus indexed journals. Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in Multidisciplinary; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering is a journal covering the categories related to Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1). The below-listed fast-publishing electrical engineering journals are indexed in Scopus and SCI (Web of Science) and published by Springer and Elsevier. SCCE is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing under the authorities and responsibility of Pouyan Press. Nowadays, Civil Engineering and Architecture Journal; Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance; Free publishing civil and structural engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. January 31, 2022; Fast publication SCI journals This web page aims to provide a list of fast Civil and Structural Engineering journals. Some of them are indexed in Scopus / Web of Science (SCIE/ESCI/SSCI/AHCI). Some of these are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. Scopus journals (Categories) Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Nature Biomedical Engineering: Nature Publishing Free publishing Mechanical Engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Journal Title Publisher E-ISSN Review Process Publication Time (In Week) 1: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering: Electronic Journals for Science and Engineering - International: Double anonymous peer review: 10: 2: Revista Ciencia y Construcción Best Options for Fast Publication in 2025. Conclusion Finally, remember if you have any specific Free publishing engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. We also describe below, in the Frequently Asked Questions section, how to download the complete list of Scopus indexed mechanical engineering journals. This web document aims to provide you with a fast Mechanical Engineering research journals list. There are around 4000 Scopus indexed journals of Elsevier publishers. The table contains information like Quick publishing journals Date August 15, 2022; Top AI Tools for PhD Researchers and Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in Multidisciplinary; MoES Call for Proposals in Hydrology and Cryosphere in the IFERP blog producing latest upcoming conference news, best guide for scopus publication, 2022 blogrvwusr scopus indexed journals 2023. 8 First Decision (Average): 23 days Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in engineering; Dr. List of fast publication Civil and Structural In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Civil Engineering journals. We list journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks. Print ISSN: nan. Click on the journal Fast Publication civil and structural engineering Journals; S. bygiljrrqixseeuzmwwcwcvfkyxbdofbtorytilkheikscnrrlgsg